AI with confidence – What is needed to increase the level of trust in artificial intelligence?
September 12th, 2023
Doors open: 6:30 p.m. // Event starts: 7:00 p.m.
DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum
Entrance: Friedrichstraße 84/ Ecke Unter den Linden, 10117 Berlin
For a long time, many AI applications were confined to the realms of science fiction. Nowadays, they are impacting numerous areas of our lives. In the second edition of our DRIVE.ahead Artificial Intelligence Panel in the Volkswagen Group Forum, we are putting the spotlight on issues from areas of mobility and the automotive sector, and shedding light on their backgrounds and the wider context. After all, AI can offer a wide range of opportunities for added safety, comfort, efficiency and sustainability here. Examples range from the intelligent control of traffic flows through to increased efficiency in logistics processes and applications in production.
Furthermore, AI is the key to automated driving, which will in turn usher in a revolution in our conventional understanding of mobility. And one thing applies here in particular: Failure is not an option.

Our panel members are: Dr Thorsten Bagdonat, Head of the “Artificial Intelligence & Data Analysis” Task Force in Volkswagen Group Innovation and Head of the “Perception” Group in the “Automated Driving” team at Volkswagen Group Research. Lena-Sophie Müller, Managing Director of the initiative D21 e. V., Germany’s largest digital society partnership between the worlds of politics, business, science and civil society. Dr Joachim Bühler, CEO and member of the Executive Committee of the TÜV association and also a member of the coordination group for the German Standardisation Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence. Host: Daniel Finger, event host, specialising particularly in the field of digitalisation and also host of the show “Zwei auf Eins” (on the German channel radioeins).
Dr. Thorsten Bagdonat, Leiter der Fachgruppe „Künstliche Intelligenz & Datenanalyse“ in der Volkswagen Group Innovation und Leiter der Gruppe „Wahrnehmung“ in der Volkswagen Konzernforschung „Automatisiertes Fahren“.
Lena-Sophie Müller, Geschäftsführerin der Initiative D21 e. V., Deutschlands größter Partnerschaft von Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft für die digitale Gesellschaft.
Dr. Joachim Bühler, Geschäftsführer und Präsidiumsmitglied TÜV-Verband und u. a. Mitglied der Koordinierungsgruppe bei der Deutschen Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz.
Daniel Finger, er moderiert vor allem Events rund um das Thema Digitalisierung und u. a. die Sendung „Zwei auf Eins“ (radioeins).
The must-see attraction in the heart of Berlin: welcome to the Volkswagen Group Forum! Welcome to a place brimming with movement, meet-ups and mobility.