Iconic a timeless journey of culture, society and mobility

To register see Exhibition führt die Besucherinnen und Besucher durch acht Jahrzehnte von den 1950ern bis heute und macht Zeitgeschichte anhand der Ikonen erlebbar, die in diesen Epochen stilbildend waren und bis heute sind.
Icons are the embodiment of inspiration and encourage us to break new ground – in science and technology, in creativity and in society. Their unique history, identity and mission unite them all. ICONIC presents modern day icons, which combine pioneering spirit and passion, with a fresh look at exceptional personalities, technical innovations, visionary architecture and timeless design language.
Arranged in decades, our exhibition shows different worlds in which visitors learn about countless works and people, which have opened up new perspectives in the respective era, as well as automotive icons of this age from the history of the Volkswagen Group with its brands. Because with no other automotive group have so many legendary vehicles come to life – and gone on to write mobility history, create living worlds and awake emotions. Such as the Beetle, the VW Bus, the Porsche 911, the Lamborghini Countach or the Golf, for example.
The immersive “Icon’s World” then allows guests to immerse themselves in a digital sphere. Following a visual trip through time, a look into the future opens up for the visitors – with a vision for technologies, architecture and vehicles, which also have what it takes to become icons. The interactive multimedia projection also encourages interaction with motion and touch-sensitive buttons and invites you to communicate with “IDA”, an empathetic artificial intelligence-based assistant.
ICONIC therefore becomes an experience that shows visitors the wealth of ideas we can shape our world and the icons of tomorrow with.
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Foto: Stefan Warter

Exhibition in the DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum, from March 21 to December 31, 2024, open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Entrance is free.