More knowledge. More ideas. More success. – What opportunities does diversity offer?

Entitled “More knowledge. More ideas. More success. – What opportunities does diversity offer?” our guests discussed, among other things, what advantages there are in diversity – for instance what is the positive impact on creativity and innovation when people of different ethnic, regional and social backgrounds, sexual orientation or identity and age interact with each other. The question was why diversity makes sense and what opportunities diversity management offers large companies.
This time, guests include Eko Fresh, rapper and actor, Ana-Cristina Grohnert, Chair of the Charta der Vielfalt e.V. [Charter of Diversity], Tabea Kemme, former professional footballer, Turbine Potsdam, and Anna-Lena Rojan, Venture Developer, Audi think tank.
The Volkswagen Group has anchored diversity in its 2030 Strategy entitled “NEW AUTO – Mobility for Generations to Come”, actively creating a working environment that promotes diversity and individuality. Volkswagen employs people from all over the world – a team from around 100 nations works together at its headquarters in Wolfsburg alone. There are also many different campaigns, such as the #OutAtWorkVWgroup campaign, in which employees introduce themselves in a video and photo campaign, and talk about their coming-out experiences in the workplace.